Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Take good care of your eyes and they will take care of you even when you are old

Retinopathy is the name of the disease of your retina if you are diabetic.

I have learned briefly in elementary about retina, but not as clear as I have learned about it in the last few months.

We all know that the retina is one of the most important parts of our eye. It is the film that captures the light that sends signals to other cells in our eyes and these cells likewise send signals to our brain so we can see. Blurry film means blurry pictures, right? This is also why we get so concerned whether our film is Kodak, Fuji or whatever, because we want sharp outcomes. A picture tells a thousand words and if can’t see how good are those thousand words to us?

Going back to the cells I mentioned above, these cells are our messengers to our brain. They carry the light that they took up from the retina to our brain so we can see. In order for the cells to be effective, they need energy like oxygen and other nutrients to function and they get these from the blood vessels connected to them. These blood vessels are very tiny and they pass through these cells.

Now if our blood sugar is high, that means to say that our energy has not all been burned so they get stored somewhere. Chances are, that “somewhere” could be in those tiny blood vessels. If this happens, an accumulation of those unwanted substances within the walls of our blood vessels, including those tiny vessels I am talking about result into blockages and eruptions in our retina.

If there’s a blockage, new blood vessels grow but not as strong as the original vessel. These new vessels bleed easily. Because they bleed, these new cells will eventually close if they leaked. Blood distribution in our retina becomes faulty. That’s when the word “blurred” becomes a reality.

If there’s a leakage happening in our blood vessels, the retina starts absorbing those leakages like a sponge and you know pretty much how it feels if a sponge absorbs too much water. You will have to get rid of the absorbed liquid for it to work better. We have to squeeze the sponge to get rid of the water. We cannot squeeze our retina easily, can we?

Wait a minute. Why do we have to bother about how we can squeeze it in the future if we can prevent it now?

Recommendations: (here I go again)

1. Have your eye doctor check your eyes every year.

2. Bring down your blood sugar by keeping a healthy diet and having regular exercises.
Love your eyes. They show you how wonderful life is. Take good care of them.


Blogger BongK said...

thanks for the important info ateng, i should be more cautious and careful since both my parents are diabetic

1:43 AM  
Blogger rolly said...

When I was first diagnosed to be diabetic, I noticed that my vision would turn from blurry to clear. I guess it depends on my sugar level at the time. Well, I had been wearing glasses since I was 9 years old- astegmatism - i checked with an eye doctor and she said my eyes are still okay. Hope they remain that way for a long time.

6:19 AM  
Blogger ting-aling said...

Hey Bong, long time no hear. Yes, you have to take care of your self too even if you are not that is in the genes, both sides pa especially.

3:18 PM  
Blogger ting-aling said...

Hi Bayi, you cannot teach old dogs new tricks they say. Sometimes, your level of understanding does count with the way you look at things like these. Isn't it that laser surgery takes sometimes up to 8 months or even longer to heal? My cousin had hers and it took her about 8 months to recover. She's not wearing contacts anymore.

With diabetics though, there are other complications to consider..longer healing period perhaps. He is lucky that your company did not let him go indeed.

3:28 PM  
Blogger ting-aling said...

Tito Rolly,

My problem is that one eye is near sighted and the other is far sighted. I wore correctional glasses when I was going to school. I am wearing a pair again for the same diagnosis now.

No symptoms of sight failure has evolved yet but losing my eyesight is one of my biggest fears. As far as I can remember, my parents have good eye sight conditions. They've worn reading glasses but that was about it.

3:32 PM  
Blogger Dr. Emer said...

Besides retinopathy, another eye complication to watch out for when you are diabetic is the development of cataracts. Same principle. Too much sugar --- sorbitol --- crystalizes on the lenses of the eyes, and soon enough, if you consult your eye doctor, he will tell you that you got cataracts.

9:02 AM  
Blogger Dr. Emer said...

Besides retinopathy, another eye complication to watch out for when you are diabetic is the development of cataracts. Same principle. Too much sugar --- sorbitol --- crystalizes on the lenses of the eyes, and soon enough, if you consult your eye doctor, he will tell you that you got cataracts.

9:02 AM  
Blogger ting-aling said...

Of course Doc Emer. I forgot to talk about the cataract. Thanks a lot!

5:24 PM  
Blogger Rachelle Grace said...

i am so scared that at the age of 20 i'm already a candidate for diabetes because i mostly eat sweets. ewan ko nga eh, di ko talaga type maasim at maalat at maanghang kaya eto. my mom is a diabetic pa so that adds to the fear.

but my eyes are good. 20/20 ako.

ma'am ting aling, i'll add you to my links, ok? :)

12:22 PM  
Blogger ting-aling said...

Sure can Rache. Thanks!

10:00 PM  
Blogger Toni said...

I have really bad eyesight. Diabetes runs in the family but I don't have it. I hope I never get it. Nevertheless I really should be watching what I eat. Thanks for reminding me.

7:24 PM  
Blogger Admin said...

thanks for a vivid explanation. it somehow given me some conciousness why i should take care of my eyes. on my side i would like to share a very good example about what i just saw in the hospital, the boys left eye has been blinded. why? because he scratch his eyes when it was itchy and when the doctor check the eye guess what he found a very small piece of sand. i said to myself that an eye is like a bond paper and anything that gets into the eye are like cutters that cut through papers.

SMITH | eye chart

11:29 PM  
Blogger Admin said...

thanks for a vivid explanation. it somehow given me some conciousness why i should take care of my eyes. on my side i would like to share a very good example about what i just saw in the hospital, the boys left eye has been blinded. why? because he scratch his eyes when it was itchy and when the doctor check the eye guess what he found a very small piece of sand. i said to myself that an eye is like a bond paper and anything that gets into the eye are like cutters that cut through papers.

SMITH | eye chart

11:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be best to go to any eye testing centers to prevent more serious cases.

12:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:10 AM  

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